

The versions
Release Notes 10.1 (Future version)
Summary of new features – OGASYS Version 10.1

System changes

* Searches – Adding new bands in searches
* Security – Adding parameters related to Quebec’s Law 25
* New time clock (clock in/clock out) in the Ogasys workspace
* Project phase 1 – Changing the file structure in the general ledger to optimize disk space
* Project phase 1 – Changing the file structure to isolate sales and payable transactions from accounting in order to move to phase 2 in a future version related to cleaning out sales and payables data

Enhancement to applications by module

General ledger

* General ledger inquiry / analysis – The GL_IntGl.exe application has been replaced with the GL_Analyse.exe application (please validate menus and security)


* Replenishment – Ability to create a work order linked to an order from the service counter
* General provisions – Calculation, distribution based on the order’s total weight instead of the amount

* Allow merging several POS for cash closing (more than two)

* Version 2 – Creating a responsive version
* Version 2 – Modification for easier management of customers and prospects between Ogasys and CRM (the Id key will be the same for the customer file and the prospect file that are linked)

* Product catalog – Ability to manage up to five (5) different sales prices. When creating product in inventory, prices will be transferred in all identified price lists
* Label printing with supplements using pictograms

* Summary production – Using the alternate unit of measure of the product

* Quick creation of projects and contractual agreements linked to a customer file
* Creating delivery address – Rule for manual code numbering
* Customer inquiry – Changing the Credit limit tab to add project limits and added a new tab for the end of job discount subledger
* Customer inquiry – Modifying fields and adding a rule to allow displaying archived quotes or not
* Bank deposit – Ability to import an EFT file in the 1464 format

* Bank deposit – Applying automatic payment discounts, adjustments so the user can choose with discounts granted, with all discounts or without discounts. Also, allow removing the payment discount line by line or for all lines.

* Sending invoices not associated with a payment with the statement of account

* Archiving selected sales price list revisions
* Quotes – Ability to reactivate or unarchive a quote
* Quotes – Adding five additional filters in the Filters tab
* Quotes – Adding export and print options in the D - Ordered tab
* Quotes – Modifying fields in the Summary analysis tab
* Quotes – New alternative search for detailed product analysis
* Service counter – Use of the F6 key to select the reason code in the Reason code field of the Price confirmation form
* Other sales reports – Adding a new Customer/quote/category statistics report for analysis in the form of search. The results can be printed or exported in Excel

* Supplements – Added icons when creating fields in order to use them when printing product labels
Release Notes 10

System changes

New ACCEO OGASYS interface for all menus, features, applications and searches
Searches – Added a field to search in all columns of the Search form
Searches – Improved the copy-paste function when processing items in the cart
Searches – Different icon colours in Edit mode for Save, On hold and Cancel functions
Updating documents – New functionality to isolate GL posting when a large number of transactions must be processed
New time clock (clock in/clock out) in the Ogasys workspace

Applications converted with Metro

Cost change approval 
Prereceiving application 
Cheque reversal application
Manual cheque (quick) application
Cheque preparation application
Physical count entry application
Cash deposits/Payment on account application
Promotion management application

Enhancement to applications by module

General ledger
Mandatory entry of a subaccount if a GL account is defined
Financial Statements – Improvement of column format, ability to create new columns
Budgets – Supporting .XLSX format when importing budgets

Replenishment – Ability to create a work order linked to an order from the service counter
General provisions – Calculation, distribution based on the order’s total weight instead of the amount
Seasonal minimum/maximum – Improving display and making modifications to facilitate decision-making in replenishment (including in product maintenance and in product inquiry)
Partial receipt – Keep product selection order of the cart

Inventory product – Ability to identify permitted divisions for the product
Mobile device, Shipments – Generate the BO order when generating the packing slip
Mobile device, Shipments – Validate variances based on quantity ordered instead of quantity delivered
Product catalog – Ability to manage up to five (5) different sales prices. When creating product in inventory, prices will be transferred in all identified price lists

Commission calculation – Improvement to the parameter display based on the calculation method used (basic report, commission profile or advanced method)
Customer basic search features – The Authorized person(s) field and an alternate search have been added
Commission calculation – Statistics report and automatic overnight calculation
Loyalty points – Changes in loyalty point management parameters (in-house card)
Sending invoices not associated with a payment with the statement of account


Service counter
When modifying product quantities of a sales order, keep the initial sales price of the order
Adding quantity “1” automatically to the cart using the ALT F6 function for the product number
Allow modifying fields in the Cash customer file (large file) at the Service counter if the user is granted authorization
Display the base price display in the Inquiry tab
Margin percentage overrun warning for major category by division or in product file
Manage rounding of cents, Calculate change to be given, Function to manually open the cash drawer
Import fuel sales invoices
Allow account payments at the service counter
Manage Scene+ loyalty program

Service counter and POS
When changing a price, prompt for password with the base price list
Ability to add a savings message on the sales invoice form at the service counter and on the receipt slip at the POS
For main/satellite products, added a popup window to display the list of linked products
Allow emailing the invoice and/or the receipt slip

Benjamin Moore discount report to be sent by email
Customer file – Associate a card number to a person authorized to make purchases for the customer
Customer file – Apply a member price profile instead of a price list with membership cards
Sales price changes approval – Add product categories in detail grid
Shipments – Group pickings, added an exception rule in the customer file to avoid grouping

New interface for the POS module
Manage Scene+ loyalty program
Allow emailing the invoice and/or the receipt slip
Allow merging several POS for cash closing (more than two)

Changes have been made in the parameter definition for approvals

Calculation of federal and provincial taxes for changes effective January 1, 2024
Calculation of federal and provincial taxes for changes effective July 1, 2023

Summary production – Allow identifying sales orders from the Service counter module
Summary production and BOM – allow adding a multiple to produce

New API for purchase invoices

Purchase order – EDI export, adding supplement fields to the envelope header

Document management
Document management – Display parameters have been redesigned

Supplements – Added icons when creating fields in order to use them when printing product labels.

Release Notes 8.7
The length of the Code field has been increased to 50 characters and the length of the Description field has been increased to 100 characters maintenance applications
GL posting – A new tab has been added to display the details by project (contract) for all transaction types pertaining to a project
Adding multilevel searches capability


Improvements to column formats in financial statements
Converting Bank reconciliation application to Metro

Allow to have more than one combination of fixed minimums per item for a warehouse in the product sheet while considering these parameters in the replenishment
Batch update purchase prices in pending purchase orders from the modified purchase price list
Purchase price list – Adding a price compilation notice when saving
Receipts, Detail tab – Adding the Additional Info field of the product sheet to the grid
Replenishment purchase – When generating the purchase order, report some additional information in the purchase order
Replenishment purchase – Select warehouses for the same product rather than entering the product on separate lines per warehouse
Replenishment purchase and Purchase order – Allow to change the cost displayed from the generic product so all child products identified be modified with the same cost
Converting Automatic PO follow-up application
Converting Inventory receipts application

Purchase invoices – Visual identification for differences between quantity invoiced and quantity received
Converting Manual cheque (quick) application

Physical count – Adding information to the physical count file generated for the external firm
Portable terminal application – The Interwarehouse transfer section allows you to recognize the unit of measure of the UPC code entered in the product sheet
Portable terminal application – Create an End of roll coupon and automatically generate an interwarehouse transfer
Portable terminal application – The Shipping section allows you to print packing slips in batch for sales transactions from VEN_ComLiv
Product query – Validate consumption of a given product by project (contract)
Adding parameters for allowed divisions for product sheets. Warning, some searches have been adapted, it will be necessary to validate if the search you use takes into account these changes
Converting Cost adjustment application
Converting Inventory adjustment application
Converting Interwarehouse transfer application
Converting Product maintenance application

Customer query, Statistics tab – Adding a column in the grid to differentiate invoices charged to the account and invoices paid
Associate a buyer card number with a person authorized to purchase for the customer
Customer query, Accounts aging tab – Adding the sales order number associated with the invoice to the grid
Customer maintenance – Adding the Authorized person column in the search and creating an alternative search for the authorized persons with card status
Commission calculation – Improvement in displaying parameters based on usage
Add data source in stats to enable reporting in stats management and add functionality for automatic nightly calculation
Converting Commission calculation application
Converting Batch invoice generation application
Converting Interest invoice generation application

Creating a customer file (large file) at the POS or service counter
Associate a buyer card number with a person authorized to purchase for the customer
At the Service counter, Inquiry tab – Displaying a floor price according to a specific sales price list

At the Service counter and at the POS – Ask for a password when the user changes the sales price vs. the price indicated in the floor price list

Benjamin Moore rebate report to be sent by email

Fairstone financing integration at the POS and the service counter
Automatic closing of POS batches – Global (Flex) at night
At the POS, allow making changes in the customer file (large file) for certain fields

Service call – Notify the user if a call is already made for the same identified customer unit
Release Notes 8.6
Saving grid layout by company/by user

Adjust daily promotions in sales orders
Credit management – Do not ask password when the invoice total matches the deposit
Clothing management
Managing maximum sales quantities
Daily promotion - mix and match for a 2/$25 promotion with a quantity multiplier
Clothing management - Creating product, requisition and purchase order
Daily promotion - Applying sales price list with mix and match

Separation of customers by division at the POS

Exclude division sales from commission calculation
In the customer file, identify the division which created the file (large file only)

Copy an existing purchase order
Clothing management - Sort products by vendor product number

Date validation when creating or modifying the fiscal calendar
Converting GL account inquiry application to Metro
Converting Journal entry application to Metro
Copy an existing journal entry

Converting Lot/serial number inquiry application to Metro
Converting Product inquiry application to Metro
Product inquiry application -  adjustments to costing security
Managing seasons in clothing product files
Physical count - Do not include gross margin products in external firm file
Updating product locations based on physical count

Converting Project analysis application to Metro
Release Notes 8.5
Searches and information grids, new functionalities

Service counter - ability to view/print the details of the interest invoice that has been calculated for the customer
Service counter - ability to create products from the catalog when in non-site mode
Sales order - allow selecting products that include options and print those products on the form (Report Builder)

Open the POS and Service counter applications on the same station (instead of two POS stations)

Calculation for annual review of points cards based on member purchases (adjustments)
Converting Customer inquiry application to Metro
Converting Customer remittance amounts application to Metro

Replenishment - generate a purchase order by sales order and by vendor
Allow importing a list of products in the replenishment details from an Excel or text file 

Allow holding payment for all vendor invoices
Purchase invoice - allow recalling a receipt or purchase order from another division by displaying a notification to the user
Allow changing the purchase invoice date and number when its status is updated
For provision calculated on receiving, allow reversing the amount calculated directly on the purchase invoice immediately

New rule added in properties to manage entry templates by division
Exclude division sales from commission calculation

Inventory adjustment - in the Detail tab, allow importing several product lines with different reason codes 
Clothing management - a matrix can be used for the creation of inventory products
Portable terminal (Wareman) - allow accumulating a series of labels to be printed in batch
New fields in the Inventory analysis report (special)
Release Notes 8.4

Update the member card information in the customer file from the cash, when in SC mode (Service Counter)
Ability to apply daily promotions on specific types of member cards at the cash
Import an XML file from 'Paradigm' into a sales order detail at the service counter (SC)
Import a list of products from an Excel file, into a sales order
New application: Cutting counter (for fabric or materials) with a printed slip to recall at the cash station
Security by salesperson at the service counter and customer inquiry, according to the salesperson's user settings
New application for annual review of points cards - member types based on member's annual purchases
Automatic issuing of credits in the customer's account for WEB orders
In the order module, add a function to transfer undelivered items from an order to a new current order by group orders
Added new interface with the Seljax software at the service counter

Displaying account balance at the POS based on a specific selection made in the recipe document entered in the properties
At the POS, possibility of scanning the member card number to detect the customer number
At the POS, allow scanning customer code in Client no field in the new sale form
At the POS, using two monitors, possibility of displaying images and POS slip on separate monitors to the customer
At the POS, allow preventing the sale of membership card for a specific client
At the POS, allow printing a copy of the pick up slip on another printer

Added fields for loyalty points in the customer inquiry and when printing the sales invoice
Customer inquiry - added parameters to display transactions according to the parameter entered in the properties,
either for the current division, all divisions associated to the parent division or all divisions of the company
Added fields in the sales report subledger loyalty points summary

Statistics report, added fields in section VT_BASE, of internal member cards
Statistics report, added columns and filters for the division code and description of the invoiced and delivered customer
Statistics, adding new report definition for hour interval sales to process PDS and Com_Liv sales

Conversion of the purchase order application with the 'Metro' interface
From a purchase price list, possibility to do mass creation of product for a given vendor and addition of volume column groups

Updated the product vendor according to the parameters chosen in the properties
Added the tax model in the entry of a new purchase invoice

Added a new column 'PO no' in the product inquiry, tab 'reserved quantities'
Allow printing of product labels according to the vendor’s product number
Physical count, add a description for the batch and change the variance ratio
New features in the Inventory count for freezing inventory quantities

Physical count - List of products not counted

Allow modifying a bank reconciliation in Updated status

Parameter to send alerts for error logs with a specific API
Registration when sending a document by email

Release Notes 8.3

Logos updated from ICC Technologies to ACCEO Solutions 
Added security in the document management module
Multi-level search
New web application E-Approval to approve request by email and/or text(SMS)
•       Added new field (Additional fields) in the search maintenance, the import text and in the DB management table
Added a new tab 'Divisions' in the Document update (Customer) application
Report generation (other reports), always have the same name of the report sent in .pdf for subscriptions 
Microsoft 365 change, import Excel file into sales and purchase price list

Added rule to not do inter-division automatically in journal entry
The report Chart of accounts with subaccounts have been converted from report to report builder 

Import products from a purchase order into the Label printing application
Increase the number of characters for some fields in the Inventory item web description
Block incoming receipts of an inter-warehouse transfer, if the destination warehouse is not in the current division
Accounting of inventory adjustment by reason code rather than the major product category
Ability to modify web classifications on the Inventory item in bulk
Added new product inquiry fields in the mobile module
In Products by lot ability to enter a note for each lot in the receipts and summary production  
It is also possible to add an attachment in the Document management module to the lot
Ability to change the status of a warehouse
Added a default warehouse by division in the Inventory location tab, to invoice the correct warehouse at the Service counter

Generation of accumulated picking and pickup labels   
Prevent zero quantities from being entered at the POS
Service counter - Possibility to display or not the window at the end of the transaction
Allow to modify various information in the Sales invoices application
Various improvements in the Service Counter application
Ability to calculate the fuel surcharge on the subtotal of the transaction, without freight
Added customer's 'PO no' on the invoice, for a released on hold invoice 
Ability to use the cost of a specific division for a price list with inventory cost margin
Freight charges apply to the first shipment of the day only
Added fields on the sales reports and other reports
Ability to account a different COG sold by division depending on the customer used in the transaction
Option at the product entry to keep the backorder
Integration of 'DataCandy' gift cards at the POS
Rounding of sales prices on one or more sales price lists
Sales Orders - Consider Multiples and minimums to order listed in the Inventory item at the sales level
Enable serial number management in the Service Counter detail line
Added a subtab for equivalent products in the product detail tab at the Service counter SC  

Ability to manage the permitted divisions for each customer
Ability to produce a list of customer deposits
Customer inquiry - interface migration
Customer inquiry - new web order history tab
Ability to output to Excel format an Accounts receivable aging summary

Replenishment: for internal purchases, do not exceed the quantity available in the warehouse
Function to recall a pre-receiving in a receipt - add 'vendor product number' field
Replenishment: add ABC classification columns in the product details tab
Allow to set a payment term for sales, purchases or both
For the purchase term, it is possible to enter a fixed payment date
Replenishment: group the analyzed result of the products of each warehouse on a single line

Vendor inquiry - provision tab, indicate the description of the journal entry
Vendor inquiry - interface migration
Fund requisition report - add 'payment withheld' column

Create a new field in the vendor maintenance to indicate a master vendor number, 
and add this field in the statistics under the definition 'VT-ANPFTF

Government tax rate changes for the year 2021
T4 and RL-1 changes for the year 2020 
(T4: 4 new mandatory boxes)

Release Notes 8.2
Mise à jour des Documents - ajouter un nouvel onglet division
CRM -web
Gestion Documentaire
Nouvelle recherche à multi-niveaux

Importation de plusieurs écritures de journal avec des dates différentes

Ajouter la possibilité d’imprimer des étiquettes fournisseurs dans l’application
‘Impression des étiquettes’
Génération d’un Transfert inter-entrepôt en mode réception à partir d'une réception
Réception sur le Terminal Portable, ajout du numéro de produit fournisseur priorité 1
Importation Transfert Inter-Entrepôt, valider la quantité disponible
Plusieurs usagers dans un même transfert inter-entrepôt
Interrogation de produit dans Terminal Portable, possibilité de choix d'affichage
par usager
Transfert inter entrepôt - vérification dans Terminal Portable
Nouveau rapport de vente - Analyse des stocks
Localisation extérieure prioritaire et détruire localisation inactive dans le produit
Importation des Min/Max dans les produits et champs divers 1 à 6

Programme d'achat Commandes multiples, ajouter les produits options
Intégration des cartes fidélités ‘DataCandy’
Intégration de la nouvelle interface à l’application Comptoir de Service
Impression du bon de livraison en ordre alphanumérique de code produit (VEN_ComLiv)
Possibilité de libérer des BO sans livrer toute la commande
Rapport des points accumulés pour les cartes fidélités
Expédition, conserver les paramètres par usager
Importation de fichier ‘Carpet Estimating’, ajouts de règles de prix
Nouveau rapport de vente pour lister les estimés transférés en commande de vente
Réclamation aux fournisseurs
Permettre de changer la date de facture au niveau du comptoir de service
Prise de paiement par carte de crédit avant la livraison de la marchandise
Génération des commandes au bureau chef - Transfert des notes de lignes
Empêcher de transformer une commande de vente en estimé
Annulation des commandes de vente en BO en lot
Rapport de Projection des Ventes
Ajouter un sous-total livrable dans l'onglet détail de la commande vente (VEN_ComLiv)

Lettre de rappel pour les comptes à recevoir
Caisses recettes possibilité de tri et filtre dans l’onglet détail
Gestion des cartes fidélités multiples

Refacturation de l’inventaire aux magasins (spécifique)
Forcer un entrepôt de destination dans un profil achat
Personnalisation de la grille de détail pour les listes prix achat
Transfert en batch vers Solo EDI à partir des réquisitions
Envoi par le Centre de Distribution, ajouter une page couverture

Impression de chèque, avoir une deuxième copie sur papier blanc
Envoie de fichier de Métadonnées pour les chèques fournisseurs

Ajouter une fonction pour forcer l’impression d'un devis de contrat à l'enregistrement du contrat
Décompte Client, ajouter le champ ‘source de vente’
Demander un mot de passe pour modifier un devis, si le décompte est créé
Améliorations diverses aux contrats

Communications (EDI)
Traitement des factures de ventes de ‘MaitreD’ dans Ogays